Weaste Cemetery

Biographies of people buried between 1900 & 09

Dr Joseph Whittaker (1858 - 1902)

Joseph Whittaker was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons and had a General Practice on Regent Road, Salford for 16 years.


Joseph was born in 1858. He was the son of Mr Ellis Whittaker who was a Chemist and Druggist with a business on Regent Road* and who lived at Mowbury House, Ellesmere Park, Eccles. Joseph was educated at Owen's College, Manchester. He took his degree in 1885 and became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. He took an appointment at Manchester Royal Infirmary and in 1886 established a General Practice on Regent Road, Salford. He succeeded well and soon obtained a large number of patients. Dr Whittaker was a favourite amongst the poor and often attended urgent cases when there was little chance of recovering his fee. Although conservative in politics, he did not take part in public life.


On Sunday 28th September, Dr Whittaker was out visiting patients, and whilst in Gloucester Street, Salford, he tripped on the protruding edge of a paving stone and fell to the ground. A Police Inspector assisted him to the Police Station, and when he felt able, he made his way home. He was confined to bed and was attended to by Dr Dreaschfeld and Dr Dowzer of Eccles. His condition deteriorated and Joseph died on Monday 6th October at his residence, 96, Regent Road, Salford. He was 44 years old. He left a widow and a young son.


An Inquest was held on Thursday 9th October at the Globe Hotel on Regent Road. Joseph's brother George, of Mowbray House, Ellesmere Park, Eccles, gave evidence. He said that he had seen Joseph at his home and saw the bruises on his left leg and right elbow. He believed that Joseph had tripped over a flag which was one and a half inches proud and had fallen. He said that Joseph had suffered from diabetes for the past two years, but his brother believed he had been cured. As part of his recuperation, Joseph had been on holiday in Blackpool and the Isle of Man, although he said that the climate in the Isle of Man was too relaxing. Dr Dreaschfeld stated that he believed the fall and shock had brought on a diabetic coma and the Jury agreed with this opinion.