Weaste Cemetery

Biographies of people buried between 1890 & 99

Charles Henry Fearnley (Killed at work) (1877 - 1899)

Charles Fearnley was a Joiner who was engaged on building work at Worrall's mill in Ordsall, when he fell off scaffolding and died.


The Salford Reporter of 15th July 1899 records the Inquest, which took place at the Duke of Lancaster Hotel, Bexley Square, on Friday 14th July. Charles Fearnley of 20 Tolson Street, Broughton said that the deceased was his son, who was aged 22 and living at Havelock Street, Broughton. He was a Joiner in the employ of Messrs Robert Nelli and Sons, builder.


Charles Joseph Moore, foreman in the employ of the firm said that on the afternoon of Tuesday 4th July at 2.45 pm he saw the deceased working as a Joiner on a putlog scaffold at the extension of Messrs Worrall's Dye Works on Ordsall Lane. The working platform of the scaffold was about 17 feet off the ground. Three minutes later, the witness found Fearnley unconscious on the ground below. The witness carried Fearnley to Salford Royal Hospital. During the witness's absence, the deceased had fashioned a seat from a board that he found in the gutter below. This was not sufficient to hold the weight of a man. It was a bad piece of timber and was not authorised to be used.


Joseph Prince, Joiner, said that he was working on the scaffold with the deceased. He saw Fearnley descend the scaffold, pick up a piece of board from the gutter and place it across 2 collar beams in order that he might sit upon it. He informed Fearnley that it was not safe. Fearnley sat on the board, which cracked and he fell to the ground. It was simple match board and not secured by ropes.


Dr Smallman said that the deceased was admitted to Salford Royal Hospital at 3.15 pm on 4th July suffering from severe injuries and he died on Wednesday afternoon, 5th July from fractures to the skull and lacerations to the brain. The Jury's verdict was Accidental Death.


Charles was buried at Weaste Cemetery on 8th July 1899.