Weaste Cemetery

Friends of Salford Cemeteries Trust

The Friends of Salford Cemeteries Trust is managed by a group of people with the common objective of improving Salford Cemeteries. Some of our aims are:


  • to promote, for the public benefit, the respectful use of cemeteries as burial grounds and as places of historic and ecological interest
  • to promote, for the public benefit, the preservation, care and improvement of the cemeteries as burial grounds and as places of historic and ecological interest
  • to promote cemeteries in Salford, as educational resources and as places where people can go to relax and enjoy nature
  • to provide opportunities for 'Friends' to discuss and promote opportunities to carry out improvement work in the cemeteries
  • to bid for grant funding for the cemeteries to augment the aspirations of the 'Friends' to initiate projects that contribute to the positive improvement of the cemeteries.

To find out more about us, how to join us or how to support our work please click here.